Friday, November 30, 2012

"Narilam" Malware Attacks Iranian Financial Infrastructure

Iranian infrastructure has been consistently under the radar of the attackers since last couple of years ..We have already witnessed some of the most organized and sopisticated attacks like Stuxnet , Duqu and similar crimes against them in the past . We have come across yet another attack against Iran which is primarily targetting MSSQL Databases of few Iranian Financial softwares.This attack has been named as "Narilam" because one of the financial software that it targets, named "Malyran".

I analyzed several samples of this malware, one of which was about 2MB. From the binaries’ headers, it looks as though this attack has been going on for a while: The Trojan was compiled with Borland C++ in 2010.

While one of the samples I looked at had a timestamp way back of 2002 ..Although these headers could have been faked, while analyzing the code we found the date April 25, 2010, which leads us to believe that this threat has existed for more than two years.

The Iranian CERT team has published an alert for this malware, indicating that Narilam has been known since 2010 by a different name.

Targets of Narilam malware :

The installation process of this malware is fairly standard in creating the start-up registry entries and copying itself as lsass.exe into the system directory. It targets certain SQL databases and tables of the following Iranian finance and banking software.

Maliran (integrated financial and applications software)
Shahd (integrated financial, commercial, and retail software)
Amin (banking software)

Narilam checks for the presence of these software and exits the infected systems if it does not find them.

Although the malware code doesn’t seem to employ any sophisticated techniques compared with its predecessors, it can connect to the specific databases via OLE DB and send SQL queries to update or delete records and drop certain tables with specific names. Here are some of the SQL queries that we’ve found in the code:
  • Update Asnad Set SanadNo=@SanadNo1,LastNo=@SanadNo1,FirstNo=@SanadNo1 Where Cast(SanadNo as int)=@SanadNo and Raj=@Raj
  • Set @SanadNo=(select Max(Cast(sellercod As int )) from A_Sellers
  • Delete from A_Sellers Where Cast(sellercod as int)=@SanadNo
  • Update A_TranSanj Set Tranid=@SanadNo1 Where Cast(Tranid as int)=@SanadNo and Raj=@Raj
  • Delete from Koll Where Cast(Koll as int)=@SanadNo
  • Delete from Moein Where Cast(Moein as int)=@SanadNo
  • Drop table Holiday_1
  • Set @SanadNo=Round(@SanadNo * (SELECT RAND(@IDLE)),0,0
  • Set @Raj=(select Max(Raj) from R_DetailFactoreForosh Where Cast(SanadNoForosh as int)=@SanadNo
  • Update R_DetailFactoreForosh Set SanadNoForosh=@SanadNo1 Where Cast(SanadNoForosh as int)=@SanadNo and Raj=@Raj

Here are the some of the database tables that Narilam targets for updating and deleting records:


Some of the table dropped from the database:


We also came across the SQL query that tries to access MS SQL Server's sysobjects table.

Binary also contains the sequence of code to further corrupt the database with random values

All the financial and banking software targeted by this malware are products of the Iranian company Tarrah Systems, which issued a warning on its website about W32.Narilam a couple of days ago. The company asked its customers to backups their databases if they are using the targeted products.

While analyzing multiple samples of this malware, it seems this code was written to corrupt and delete databases accessed by these software, thereby causing potential financial losses to users. Possible targets of Narilam are corporates and banks that are likely to have these applications installed.It is recommended that users of these applications regularly backup their databases in order to avoid any kind of havoc.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Stack Overflows - Part 1 : The Basics

I wanted to start the Exploit development learning series since quite some time ..Eventually , I've managed to get some time out of the work to start with the tutorial series ..With this , I plan to go through the series of excercise and concepts and help the beginners learn the basics of Exploit development and advance concepts in exploitation ..

Disclaimer : I would want to mention here that these tutorials are only for the educational purpose . Knowledge acquired through this series should never be used for hacking into the networks / computers or performing similar illegal activities . You should continue to read only if you agree with this disclaimer.

Historically , Stack based buffer overflows have been the most prevalent class of security bugs in the software and have been around for as long as C Language ..Numerous methods and techniques have been published to exploit Stack based buffer overflows .. for instance , Phrack papers etc ..Even today , this is one of the category of bugs which has remained to be widely exploited ..I am starting with some of the theoritical concepts and then we'll move on to the more advance stuff as we go ..

Windows Memory Layout

A developer basically visualizes the Windows memory layout as the flat memory model where , in a 32 bit system , processor can generate and access any memory address within the range from 0 to 2^32 . i.e from 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF. Internally , Windows uses techniques known as Memory Segmentation and Paging in order to divide the memory into protected segments called : Code segment , Data segment and Stack segment. While each process resides in the virtual address space of its own , it is not allowed to access the address space of another process and same for all other processes residing in the memory so that  they do not end up corrupting the data structures of other process. The access control to the memory segments was primarily controlled by Segmentation ( In systems based on older processors )  but now everything lies in the Paging. If we visualize the flat memory layout of Windows , it looks like this :

However , in the flat memory model , Windows NT used to implement 32 bit of continuous and  linear addressible space and 286/386 class of Intel processors had a 32 bit address bus which could access any memory address in absence of Segmentation / Paging techniques. This is basically done through the processor segment registers which are loaded with the 2 byte segment selectors used as an index to segment descriptor tables , thereby translating 32 bit logical addresses into linear address . All of these were taken care of in the hardware which allows the programer to assume the address space as the flat memory model.

As we can visualize from the above picture , 0x00000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF is called the User space memory which consist of process image , process stack / heap , per thread stack, DLL code, and user land process data structures while the address space above that is called Kernel space memory where the kernel code resides.

As a side note , the saperation between user space memory and kernel space memory is implemented via Paging technique ..precisely a flag in the page directory entries ( PDEs ) marks this boundary ..Let's not worry about all that stuff now..

Process Memory in Windows

In Windows environment , each process is loaded by OS in its own virtual address space. As I said above , this is the user space memory which means the process will be able to see the entire address space from 0x00000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF as the linear address space and the memory higher than that belongs to the kernel which user land process does not have an access to .

When the process is created  , additional per process data structures like Process Environment block ( PEB ) and Thread Environment block is also created ..These data structures are of the prime interest to the exploit developers . The way they use the PEB is to access the PEB_LDR_DATA which contains all the information about the loaded DLL modules within the process and the shellcode accesses this data structure to retrieve the base address of any DLL ..Perhaps they could access the base address of kernel32.dll and then loadlibraryA to perform some interesting stuff !! :-)..

This is how any Win32 process memory map will look like :

Memory area marked as "Program Image" is where the program code and everything else that is immediately visible about the program resides .

Data section : This is the writeable section of the load binary where all the initialized  / static / global variables of the program are located. For instance , the C program statement : int a = 2 , char buff[]="Hello" static int a = 1; etc  are stored in the data section .

Code section :  This is segment of the program where all the compiled code is located.

BSS section : This is the area where all the uninitialized variables of the program is stored. C program statement like : int a ; static int a ; etc ..are located in BSS section ..

RSRC section : This is resource section of the PE file which contains the information related to UI of the program : icons , menus , dialog boxes , cursor, fonts and things like that .

Heap section : This is the area in the memory where all the dynamically allocated data is stored..For eg the memory allocated by malloc() is in this space.

The Stack

Stack is the area in the process memory and per process data structure , which allows the process to access the data in the LIFO fashion . i.e Last In First Out : meaning , the most recent data stored on the stack is removed first from there ..There are two primary operations that are done on the Stack : PUSH and POP ..Both of these are CPU instructions which manipulates the stack .

When a process is created , the stack size is comitted and memory is allocated for process to store the data on it . Intel processors has 32 bit register called ESP ( Extended Stack Pointer ) which points to the top of the stack memory. When PUSH operation is performed , data is stored on the stack and ESP is decremented , since the stack grows towards low memory address. When POP operation is performed , data is accessed from the stack and ESP is incremented .

Following are the basic uses of the Stack memory :

1 . When any subroutine is called using CALL instruction, the arguments passed to the subroutine are PUSHed on the stack.
2 . The next memory address to which the caller should return after executing the subroutine, is also stored on the stack before calling that subroutine.
3 . During the execution of the subroutine , the memory for storing the temporary local variables is allocated on the stack .

Also, it is important to note that Stack is the temporary storage , and the memory is wiped off after returning from the subroutine. We will quickly walk through the Intel x86 registers and then with the example code , we will see how exactly the stack frame of the function is established.

Intel x86 architecture General purpose registers and Intruction pointer

Processor registers are the memory storage areas used to store the data for several arithmatic & logical operations performed by processor. Since they are built into the processor itself , the access to this registers is very fast. Intel x86 architecture has 8 general purpose registers and an Intrustion pointer register which points to the next intruction to be executed .

EAX : known as Accumulator register . Usually used to store the value of the arithmatic and logical operations on the data as well as the return values from the functions.
EBX : base pointer to the data section of the program. Normally used to store the data
ECX : used as the counter to string and loop operations ..ECX stores the value which is decremented for loop operation.
EDX : used as I/O pointer . Also used to perform little complex calculations ( multiply / divide etc..)
EBP : Stack frame base pointer register.It points to the start of the function stack frame and also used to access the function arguments via offsets.
ESP : Stack pointer. As discussed before , ESP always points to the top of the stack.
ESI : Source pointer for string operations ( string copy , string comparison etc..)
EDI: Destination pointer for string operations ( string copy , string comparison etc. )
EIP : Instruction pointer register which points to the next instruction to execute.

Visualization of stack memory with example code

Let's see the behaviour of the stack and operations performed on it with the example C code. I am using the following C code compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express edition.

int main (int argc , char *argv[])
char buffer[20];
strcpy(buffer , argv[1]);
if (!strcmp(buffer,"password"))
printf("Login Successful...\n");
return 1;
printf("Access denied..password incorrect..\n");
return 0;

If we open the binary in the debugger and look at the code , we see that the pointers to argv[] and argc are pushed on the stack before calling main()..Since this binary accepts the command line arguments , I am passing it in the debugger as follows :

we need to navigate the menu Debug --> Arguments, and we can pass the command line parameters to the binary:

Next the argc and argv are pushed on the stack :

If you cannot read the code , here is how it looks like :

MOV ECX, DWORD PTR DS:[argv] --- > argv moved to ECX register
PUSH ECX                ------>  ECX pushed on the stack
MOV EDX, DWORD PTR DS:[argc] ----> argc moved to EDX register
PUSH EDX                 ------>  argc pushed on the stack
CALL Buffer_O.main  ------ > Call main ()

Our stack at this point of time will look like this :

Next , before calling main() , address of the instruction next to CALL, is pushed on the stack so that it knows where to resume execution after returning from main() . Stack will look like this:

At this point , if we take a look at the stack in the ollydbg debugger , here is how the stack is setup while calling main() function . If you observe the bottom right windows of the debugger , it is the stack window and  the highlighted portion of the stack shows the pushed EIP and the two arguments to the main .

Code window in the above picture is actually the disassembled code of the main() . If we examine some of the initial lines of the assembly code, we can relate it to the C souce I showed a while back.

PUSH EDI                                                  ;  ntdll.7C910228
MOV EAX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+C]              ;  kernel32.7C81776F
PUSH ECX                                                  ; /src = "L+7"
LEA EDX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-14]                            ; |
PUSH EDX                                                  ; |dest = 00000002
CALL Buffer_O.strcpy                               ; \strcpy
PUSH Buffer_O.0040316C                          ; /s2 = "password"
LEA EAX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-14]                            ; |
PUSH EAX                                                  ; |s1 = "X17"
CALL Buffer_O.strcmp                              ; \strcmp
JNZ SHORT Buffer_O.00401050
PUSH Buffer_O.00403154                           ; /format = "Login Successful...\n"
CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCR100D.printf>]          ; \printf

Within the main , as shown in the marked code , function prologue is executed wherein EBP is pushed on the stack thereby creating the new local stack frame for main and then ESP is moved to EBP . At this point , ESP and EBP both points to the same location . Remind yourself again that stack always grows towards low memory address and when something is pushed , ESP will be decremented by 4.

Here , Stack will look like this : You can also view the stack state in the debugger and examine the ESP and EBP registers . 

At the third instruction , ESP is further substracted by 0x54 and allocates the space for local variable buffer that we've declared in the source. Once this instruction is executed , below is how the stack will appear : Highlighted area in the debugger stack window is the space allocated for the variables.

In the next few lines of the code , we see the strcpy ( ) is being done from argv[1] to buffer , and then the string comparision is done after which appropriate printf call is executed . What we need to remember here is that for every function that is called from within the main , stack frames are created in exactly the similar way as demonstrated above . When the function returns , the stack is wiped off and EBP/ EIP is popped from the stack to resume execution thereafter.

Overflowing the buffer with long command line parameters

Now that we have the knowledge of how the stack frame is established , it will be lot more easier for us to understand what will happen if we pass long command line arguments to main . Until now we were OK since we passed the string with length of 8 bytes and our buffer is 20 bytes long..If we pass the string of say 30 bytes as the command line parameter to main , we are sure that we will overwrite past the allocated buffer space , EBP and finally saved EIP as well and even the way beyond if our string is longer. If we visualize the stack after the strcpy ()  operation , it will be like this :

Important point to note here is that , overflow will happen from lower memory address to higher memory address .

Let's  pass the long command line parameter and check the stack state and the behaviour of the debugger. You should pass the parameter to this program in the similar way I described previously. I passed the string of "A" ( Hex : 0x41 )  with the length of 45 and here is what happened in the debugger .

Ahaa !! ..We've overwritten the buffer with the long string of "A" passed as the parameter to main and effectively to strcpy () , which overflowed the buffer and eventually gone and overwrote the  saved return address ( EIP ) . So when the main returned , the EIP was popped off the stack and it throwed the exception because of the fact that it couldn't read the memory at that location. You can also see the bottom right stack window where the allocated memory was filled up with 0x41 ( Hex value of "A" ) and ESP pointing to our overflowed buffer . This is exactly what we will use to exploit the buffer overflow and jump to over shellcode . We'll see that later in the next part :-)

So what exactly happened here ? Let's closely step through the code and examine what caused the debugger to throw the exception . We will breakpoint the strcpy operation and examine the stack just before this operation , to get some clarity .

I restarted the program , breakpointed at strcpy operation :

If you closely take a look at the arguments of strcpy operation , source is our passed string of "A"s which we want to copy , and the other argument is the destination memory location 0x0012FF54 on the stack where the string is to be copied . Just observe the stack at this time . This is before the copy is done . Few locations below our destination pointer at 0x0012FF6C , we have the return address saved . As I indicated before, the copy will be done from low mem to high mem addresses. Once the strcpy will be executed , this location will be overwritten with our string of "A"s .

If you notice the state of the stack after strcpy , it is filled up with our supplied parameter and the stack location 0x0012FF6C , which previously had the return address stored , now has 0x41414141 . Futher , if you step through the code , it will perform the strcmp and print the appropriate message and finally , the funtion epilogue is executed :


EBP is moved to ESP register , top of the stack is then popped into EBP which contains 0x41414141 as well and then when finally RETN is executed ESP is pointing to 0x0012FF6C which contains 0x41414141 , is popped into EIP . Debugger will throw the exception when trying to read 0x41414141.

So through this simple vulnerable code , I demonstrated  that we can control the EIP and overwrite with the memory address that we choose . In this example , it is easier for us to find the exact offset in our parameter to overwrite the EIP. We know that our buffer is exactly 20 bytes long . if we add 4 bytes of EBP to that , we should be able to overwrite the EIP at 25th byte in our string ..Let's try that out ...

I'll pass the string with 24 bytes of "A" s + 4 bytes of "B" ..and we'll see that EIP is overwritten with the 0x42424242.

That is what we expected. At this point of time , we've just triggered the buffer overflow in our vulnerable code. Next step is to exploit this vulnerability and modify the execution flow of the program to execute our own shellcode . If the command line argument is longer than 28 bytes , you will see that ESP is pointing to some offset in our string and we can exploit that to modify the execution flow of the program and do what we want it to. We'll see how to achieve it in the next part of this series.

 Little endian Vs Big endian

This is another little concept that we need to understand before we dive deep into exploitation.Little endian and Big endian are the order in which the bytes are stored in the memory and is often dependent on underlying hardware architecture .

In a Big endian hardware , the most significant byte of the word / dword is stored first as lowest memory address and then the subsequent bytes are stored at the increasing memory locations.For instaance , if you visualize big endian format memory storage for dword 0x41424344 , starting at memory location 0x0012FF6C , it will be stored in the following format :

0x0012FF6C  : 0x41
0x0012FF6D  : 0x42
0x0012FF6E  : 0x43
0x0012FF6F  : 0x44

If you take the memory dump of the bytes stored in big endian format , you will find 0x41424344 stored like this in the memory :

 ADDRESS         : ---- MEMORY BYTES ----------
0x0012ff6c : 41 42 43 44 00 00 00 00 00 ...
In a Little endian hardware , the least significant byte of the word / dword is stored first at the lowest memory address and the next subsequent bytes are stored at increasing memory locations . Intel processors store the data in the little endian format . So If you take the memory dump of the bytes stored in little endian format , you will find 0x41424344 stored in the memory as below:

ADDRESS      : ---- MEMORY BYTES ----------
0x0012ff6c  : 44 43 42 41 00 00 00 00 00 ...

In part 2 of this series, we will explore stack overflow vulnerability in a commercial software and see how it can be exploited to do something very intersting..

Friday, November 16, 2012

Adobe Reader 0 day U3D Memory Corruption Vulnerability - Analysis Of The Exploit

During the December last year , a critical vulnerability was identified in Adobe Reader X / Adobe Acrobat X version 10.1.1 and earlier for Windows and Mac OS , Adobe Reader 9.4.6  and Adobe Reader 9.x versions for Unix . This was a 0 day vulnerability (CVE-2011-2462)  potentially allowing  an attacker to execute  arbitrary code and take the control of  victim  machine without user knowledge  

I analysed the exploit (sample being circulated in the wild) and figure out how the vulnerability was being exploited and the malicious binary is being dropped on to a  system which in-turn allows the attacker to take the control of the system after the successful exploitation.

Analysis of  the PDF  0 day exploit

I analysed in the  exploit PDF with MD5 : b025b06549caae5a7c1d23ac1d014892,  that I received few days back. The technique used in this exploit has been known to the researchers since the ages.

Let’s check what we get as the output when we run PDFiD tool against this exploit.

Looking at the output of the PDFiD , we can rightaway make out on what this exploit would contain within. As with a lot of other exploits in the wild, this document uses the technique of /JavaScript and /OpenAction to launch the malicious javascript . The combination of both these make this document suspicious to an eye of the researcher.

/JS  and /JavaScript indicates that this pdf document contains the javascript while the /OpenAction  indicates the action to be performed automatically when the document is viewed  Let’s  take the deeper look at the object structure of the pdf document and find out what is interesting to us

Object Analysis of the PDF document

Just to get back to some basics , you might already know , pdf dictionary objects starts with the keyword obj and end with endobj while pdf stream dictionary objects starts with the stream and ends with endstream keywords

Object 4 has the /OpenAction reference to the object 14  which seems particularly interesting. Lets take a look at what’s out there in the referenced object 

Object 14 as seen in above has the stream link to object 15 which contains the actual compressed javascript

This is the malicious javascript that is encoded twice, first with ASCIIHexDecode and then with FlateDecode. These stream filters will indicate  Adobe Reader on how to decode the streams while opening the document. This combination of stream filters is widely used in exploits to compress the code. We’ll take a look at the JS code little later in the Analysis . In the meantime  , let’s move further in the object structure analysis of the pdf document.

Object 11 contains the stream link to Object 10 as seen in the below snapshot. This stream link contains the Flate encoded 3D Annotations data that is to be FlateDecoded and displayed while the Adobe  Reader 
document is rendered

As per the Adobe 3D Annotations documentations available here, , 3DD entry of the Annotations data specifies the FlateEncoded Data stream containing the U3D data. That’s exactly what we see in Object 10 as shown below

This U3D data is likely to cause the memory corrupution and trigger the vulnerability Moving to the last Object 16 is of special interest to us. Let’s check how this object looks.

This object does not have any references and contains the stream that is supposed to be FlateEncoded. It is this stream which contains the malicious XORed executable that is dropped after successful exploitation. Let’s see if we can figure out the XOR key. 

Executable has been XORed by 0x12 . Looks like this stream wasn’t FlateEncode but rather simply XORed to embed the malicious file within. This techniques are normally used in exploits to hide the malicious code and thereby bypassing the AV detections.

Let’s take a look at the decoded JS code from Object 15 to understand what it does.

This code is checking for supposedly non-existant versions of the Adobe Reader and apparently enters the infinite loop if the version comes out to be greater than 10.0 . This code used the heap spray technique to exploit this vulnerability and execute the shellcode. End of this code is checking for the Windows platform and sets the document to page 2 if it is running on the Windows platform which will render the 3D data specified by the U3D file causing the corruption.

The actual heap spray function in the JS code looks like this : 

Last function call in the above figure is the one that allocates the memory and fills up the heap as seen below.

Launching this exploit on the Windows platform with Adobe Reader 9.4.6 installed , it will crash and open the new document 2012 Federal Employee Pay Calender.pdf .

Spawning the new process pretty.exe and finally injecting the WSE4EF1.TMP.dll in iexplore.exe proces which then connects to the command & control server.

Looking at the code of the  pretty.exe we’d see that it looks for outlook.exe, iexplore.exe, and firefox.exe. It then injects the code into whichever process it finds open on the victim machine.

Network Communications

Once the code is injected into any of these open processes, a connection is made to the domain (IP : which was resolved during the time of our execution) on port 443 . Assuming that it must be using SSL for C&C we hooked the WinInet.SecureSend and WinInet.SecureReceive APIs just to check what is being sent as the encrypted request. We found the following clear text decrypted traffic . 

While the server responded HTTP 301 with the  location header having the HTTP link


After which HTTP GET request  initiated looks like as shown below . The URI query string contains the parameter which is the hostname of the victim machine appended along with the IP address. 

Looking at the injected dll , following code forms the HTTP GET request along with the URI query parameters

Further analysis of the command & control code of the sample reveals that the following commands can be given to perform the respective actions on the victim system.

Cmd ,Shell , Run , Getfile, Putfile, Kill, Process, Reboot, Time, Door